Assistive Technology Project for Education

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Celebrate AAC Awareness Month

October is not just about falling leaves and pumpkin spice lattes; it's also AAC Awareness Month! Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) plays a crucial role in improving the lives of individuals with speech and communication challenges. It's the perfect time to show your appreciation for the hardworking special education team dedicated to promoting AAC and increasing awareness about its importance. Here are some fun ideas to treat and celebrate your special education team this AAC Awareness Month.

1. AAC Awareness Coffee/Lunch:

Kick off the month with an AAC-themed coffee break or lunch for your special education team. Encourage team members to communicate using only AAC! It's a great way to bond and reflect on the impact of AAC on your students' lives.

2. AAC Training:

Host an AAC workshop or training session for your team. Invite a speech-language pathologist or AAC specialist to provide insights into the latest AAC technologies, strategies, and best practices. It's an excellent opportunity for professional development and knowledge sharing. Not sure where to get some training, let us know at and we can help!

3. AAC Appreciation Wall:

Create an AAC appreciation wall in your school or workspace. Provide colorful sticky notes and markers for team members to write down their thoughts and gratitude for each other's efforts in promoting AAC. This visual display of appreciation will boost morale and unity within the team.

4. AAC Awareness Campaign:

Start an AAC awareness campaign within your school or community. Design posters, flyers, and social media posts highlighting the importance of AAC and its impact. Encourage team members to share their personal AAC stories or success stories of their students to inspire others.

5. AAC Game Day:

Organize a fun AAC-themed gaming event where team members can participate in games while using AAC to communicate. These interactive activities can be both educational and entertaining.

6. AAC Resource Swap:

Encourage your special education team to share their favorite AAC resources, books, apps, or communication materials with each other. This resource swap will help team members discover new tools and techniques to enhance their AAC practice.

7. AAC Fundraiser:

Consider organizing a fundraiser to support AAC initiatives in your school or community. Whether it's a bake sale, a charity run, or a virtual auction, the proceeds can be used to purchase AAC devices, software, or training materials.

8. Small Treats:

Let’s face it, we all enjoy small treats now and then! There are two mnenomics for modeling that really lend themselves to a sweet treat that can be shared with the team! SMoRRES and CAKE are two visuals that could be paired easily with a snack (smores kit, snack cakes, cake mix, or cake pop)!

9. AAC Modeling Challenge:

Test your team’s modeling skills by hosting a challenge to see who can model the most by the end of the month! Keep it light, keep it fun, but some teams thrive on competition! And we all know the students are the true winners due to increased modeling. But a prize for whoever wins never hurts either!

AAC Awareness Month is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the dedication and hard work of your special education team. By implementing these fun ideas, you can show your appreciation for their efforts in promoting augmentative and alternative communication and increasing awareness about its importance in the lives of those with speech and communication challenges. Let's come together to make October a memorable month for AAC advocacy and appreciation!