LTVEC provides back-to-school AT support for its districts
Assistive Technology Resources Available to Support Remote Instruction for Students with Disabilities
We know you are scrambling to get students "back to school", even if school might be at home this Fall. The assistive technology staff at LTVEC is ready and waiting to help you provide adaptive access for remote instruction with your students.
Our Assistive Technology Center has new means of supporting teachers and students during these times. Check out our updated scope of services to see how we can help you identify and meet the specific needs of your students.
Check out this list of ideas and links today!
virtual sessions with you and the student to address access needs
customized learning activities
book adaptations
assistance teaching families to set up online accessibility tools
resources for online special education program tools
family support meetings to share ideas and resources
AAC support through creation of materials and virtual outreach
assistance modifying your curriculum resources
AT device loans for home use
free staff training (onsite and virtual)
helpful webinars and tutorials
technical support & troubleshooting
and more...
Visit our website
We are also able to provide customized onsite or virtual training!
(865) 458-8900