AT Supports for School AND Home
So, you had your classrooms all set up with every kind of imaginable accommodation and support for the diversity of student needs and they were all doing so well…and then this happened. Now you’re “working from home”, still in pajamas, weighing the merits of a shower (hey, nobody is going to see you up close!) and trying to figure out what day it is, all while trying to teach yourself how to use virtual conferencing software. To compound matters, your students don’t have access to those great assistive technologies that allowed them to participate fully with the curriculum at school. Don’t know how to help them? We do!!
Assistive technologies can and should be used in all environments to support learning and this crisis has opened Pandora’s box of opportunity to allow educators and parents to implement currently used tools (and explore new ones) while at home. The performance demands incurred in the classroom don’t exist in the ‘homeschool’ environment, making it a golden time to introduce new ideas and strategies without pressure. We have compiled a great list of AT tools, programs, and resources that can be used at both home and school to support your students with disabilities. Most vendors are offering free access to educators and also for in-home use during the period of school closures… another great reason to reach out and give students the chance to trial a new program or tool!