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Built-in Chromebook Tools for Dyslexia

Built-in Chromebook Tools for Dyslexia

Students with dyslexia struggle with foundational academic tasks like reading and writing that can hinder their progress and lower their self-confidence—and it’s not uncommon. Fortunately, since so many schools now provide a Chromebook for every student, there are free and easy-to-use assistive technology tools that are already built into every Chromebook. You just have to know where to look!

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Universal Design for Learning
Remote Learning, Learning Disabilities, UDL Janice Reese Remote Learning, Learning Disabilities, UDL Janice Reese

Universal Design for Learning

UDL is more than just modifying things to make it easier for a student to participate in class. LEARNING can only happen when INSTRUCTION has also been changed to meet the unique needs of those with physical and/or cognitive challenges! I know you’re interested in learning more about UDL for teaching students with special needs (you should be!). The concept was created and refined by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) and they have a wealth of helpful teacher resources for integrating UDL into your teaching to improve student engagement and learning.

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