AT4Kids Blog

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AAC Resources for the Classroom

AAC Resources for the Classroom

I've learned a lot about AAC technologies over the last 15 years.  I often say that I don't know everything, but I can probably tell you how and where to learn more.  Because I provide direct technology support and training to educational teams for many students with impaired language and communication skills, I have gathered a wealth of forms, tip sheets, tutorial resources, assessment materials, etc. for use in the school setting.

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Resources for Families of Children with Autism

Resources for Families of Children with Autism

I am an ATP working in the special education setting, but I've also been an OT for almost 30 years. Since the goal of OT is to improve functional independence and the goal of AT use is to provide tools that help accommodate for disability, the two are a perfect match.  Although my role is to foster academic engagement and success in the classroom, we all recognize the importance of the child's family as members of the education team.  Carryover in the home is a key piece to supporting that success!

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